ATK said four Solid Strap-on Boosters (SSB) developed and produced by
ATK Thiokol Propulsion, Promontory, Utah, supported the launch on March 28 of
a National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) H-IIA rocket from the
Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan. The rocket successfully placed
into orbit two Japanese Government Satellites.

The SSB is an adaptation of the ATK Thiokol Propulsion CASTOR® IVA-XL
strap-on motor, which measures 40 inches in diameter and 483 inches in length,
and uses a six-degree canted, fixed nozzle.

ATK Thiokol Propulsion was awarded a development contract in 1997 to adapt
the CASTOR IVA-XL motor to the H-IIA vehicle. That was followed by a
production contract in 1998 from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), Ltd.,
Nagoya Aerospace Systems Works, Nagoya, Japan, a major contractor for the
H-IIA vehicle.

The H-IIA vehicle currently offers three configurations to compete in the
medium-lift launch vehicle market. The standard H-IIA uses a two-stage liquid
core vehicle with two Solid Rocket Booster (SRB-A) motors produced by IHI
Aerospace of Tomioka, Japan. The two other configurations add two or four SSB

ATK Composites, Clearfield, Utah, supplies its TCR(TM) composite materials
and technologies to IHI Aerospace, Ltd for the manufacture of the H-IIA SRB-A
motor cases. The company’s rocket motor case and composite technology is
present on all H-IIA configurations.

ATK Thiokol Propulsion is the world’s leading supplier of solid-propellant
rocket motors. Products manufactured by the company include propulsion
systems for the Delta, Pegasus, Taurus®, Athena, Atlas, H-IIA, and Titan IV
B expendable space launch vehicles, NASA’s Space Shuttle, the Trident II Fleet
Ballistic Missile and the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile,
and ground-based missile defense interceptors.

ATK Composites — known for unique capabilities in large structures
manufacturing — has revolutionized the composites industry through 40 years
of innovation and manufacturing excellence. The company produces structures
for space launch vehicles, satellites, spacecraft, and commercial and military

ATK is a $2.1 billion aerospace and defense company with leading positions
in propulsion, composite structures, munitions, and precision capabilities.
The company, which is headquartered in Edina, Minn., employs approximately
12,000 people and has three business groups: Aerospace, Precision Systems, and
Ammunition. ATK news and information can be found on the Internet at .