NASA’s Ames Research Center (ARC), Moffett Field, Calif.
has been selected by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) to join its National Environmental Performance Track
(NEPT) program in recognition of outstanding environmental
management practices.

The EPA’s NEPT program is a voluntary partnership comprised
of public and private organizations that exceed compliance
with environmental regulations. NEPT partners are committed
to continuous environmental improvements and demonstrate in
daily business operations economic prosperity and
environmental protection can go hand in hand. The program was
launched in June 2000 and has 304 members.

ARC was one of 37 new partners announced by EPA Administrator
Christine Whitman and the only NASA field center so honored.
“We are delighted to be recognized by the EPA for our
environmental management practices at Ames,” said Sandy
Olliges, Chief of the Environmental Services Division ARC.
“This reflects well on Ames’ long-standing efforts to protect
our environment here at Moffett Field and bodes well for the
center’s environmental future,” he said.

For more information about NASA and agency centers on the
Internet, visit:

For more information about the NEPT program on the Internet,