NASA encourages interested individuals to participate in agency advisory activities. To encourage participation, and to ensure NASA remains accountable to the American people, attendees at all public NASA Advisory Committee meetings will be admitted to NASA Headquarters, NASA Centers, and NASA component facilities, subject to NASA security requirements, but without any requirement for pre-clearance.

NASA no longer requires advance notice of attendance at public Advisory Committee meetings. Any request for individuals to provide advance notice of their planned attendance at a NASA Advisory Committee meeting will only be used to expedite admittance.

Foreign nationals attending a NASA Advisory Committee meeting are required to provide the information required by Procedures and Guidelines for Foreign Access to NASA Centers (NPG 1371.2). The information may be provided in advance to expedite admittance on the day of the meeting.

NASA Advisory Committee meetings include meetings of the NASA Advisory Council, the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, the Aerospace Technology Advisory Committee, the Biological and Physical Research Advisory Committee, the Earth System Science and Applications Advisory Committee, the Minority Business Resource Advisory Committee, the Planetary Protection Advisory Committee, the Space Flight Advisory Committee, the Space Science Advisory Committee, and related Subcommittees.

NASA Advisory Committee meetings are usually scheduled at agency facilities, unless the subject of the meeting is best considered at a non-NASA location. Times and dates of meetings will be posted on the NASA Web site to encourage public attendance.

For more information about NASA or foreign national access to the agency visit: