NASA is selecting the offer of the University
Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Boulder, Colo.,
for operation of GLOBE.

GLOBE is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-
based education and science program. A Federal interagency
program in partnership with colleges and universities, state
and local school systems, and non-government organizations
leads it. Internationally, GLOBE is a partnership between the
United States and 100 other countries.

“GLOBE has contributed to the improvement of student
achievement in science and mathematics of over a million
children around the world; it has also assembled a promising
data base of Earth science measurements for Earth system
research,” said GLOBE Program Manager Dixon Butler. “NASA
looks forward to working with UCAR to grow and strengthen the
program, so that it will unite many more of the world’s
children in their efforts to understanding our constantly
changing planet,” he said.

“This selection represents a demonstration of NASA’s
commitment to the President’s Management Agenda, a
competitive sourcing selection based on the high
qualifications of UCAR and Colorado State University, and the
expertise they bring to the table,” said Ron Birk, Director
of NASA’s Earth Science Applications Division.

UCAR is primarily located in Boulder and the headquarters of
GLOBE will be moved to UCAR facilities there. The principal
investigator is Dr. Jack Fellows of UCAR. The key partner in
this offer, Colorado State University, will have
responsibilities for GLOBE’s information systems including
the GLOBE web site, and for education including the
development of new, classroom-ready materials.

NASA’s Office of Earth Science issued a Cooperative Agreement
Notice soliciting offers for operation of GLOBE on October
15, 2002. Fourteen offers were received and reviewed by a
panel of experts.

The total value of the effort is approximately $26 million.
UCAR and its partners are expected to secure additional
support to expand the benefits of GLOBE nationally and
internationally. The period of performance is through
September 2008.

For more information about GLOBE, see their web site at: