To discuss use of nuclear power sources in outer space, disaster management, space debris mitigation and use of space technology for medical sciences.

VIENNA, 14 February (UN Information Service) — Managing natural
disasters with the help of space technology, as well as reviewing the
possible uses of space technology in medical science and the promotion of
public health, will constitute key items on the agenda of the fortieth
session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the United Nations
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPOUS) meeting here from 17

Other topics of discussion include the use of nuclear power sources in
outer space, the review of possible guidelines on how to reduce space
debris created by space missions, and ways and means to strengthen
cooperation and the use of space technology applications within and among
the various agencies and programmes of the United Nations system. In
discussing disaster management, nuclear power sources and inter-agency
cooperation, the Subcommittee will be finishing its multi-year work
programmes in those three areas.

The discussion on the use of space technology for medical sciences and
public health is a new agenda item for the Subcommittee. Delegates are
expected to hear a number of presentations by experts in the field covering
topics such as the use of space technology to control infectious diseases
and the benefits of tele-health.

The participants will also review the implementation of the
recommendations of UNISPACE III (the Third United Nations Conference on the
Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space held in Vienna in 1999). The
Subcommittee is also expected to begin preparations for the General
Assembly’s review in 2004 of the achievements of the past five years in
meeting the goals and aims of the 1999 world conference.

Member states will also review the activities of the United Nations
Programme on Space Applications in 2002 and the planned activities for
2003. The Programme, through workshops and training courses, aims at
ensuring that the benefits of space science and technology are accessible
to all countries.

During the first two afternoons of the Subcommittee session, the
Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the International Astronautical
Federation (IAF) will hold a symposium on the topic of applications of
satellite navigation and their benefits to developing countries. The
Subcommittee session will also coincide with the opening of a special
exhibition on “China’s Space Activities” at the Vienna International
Centre. The exhibition, jointly organized by the Vienna-based United
Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) and the China National Space
Administration (CNSA), will have on display amongst others, models of
rockets and satellites built and launched by China.

Nuclear Power Sources

The Subcommittee is in the final year of its four-year work plan on the
topic of the use of nuclear power sources in outer space. During the first
three years of the work plan, the Subcommittee’s Special Working Group
prepared a detailed report reviewing international documents and national
processes potentially relevant to the peaceful uses of nuclear power
sources in outer pace. At its final session the Subcommittee is expected to
consider what action to take based on the findings of the latter report.

Disaster Management

Also as part of a multi-year work plan, the Subcommittee is in its final
year as regards finishing the issues of “implementation of an integrated,
space-based global natural disaster management system.” This year the
Subcommittee should review possible global operational structures to handle
natural disaster management, making maximum use of existing and planned
space systems.

Space technology, such as remote sensing satellites, navigation
satellites, and telecommunications satellites, are already used extensively
for disaster management. For instance, remote sensing satellites can be
used to map features of interest in regions where disasters are likely to
occur, and following a disaster, they can provide up-to-date images of the
affected area. Satellite communications help connect regions affected by
disasters to the outside world, when ground infrastructure is damaged or

Space Debris

The Subcommittee will continue its work on space debris. An expert body,
not affiliated to the United Nations, containing the representatives from
various national space agencies — the Inter-Agency Space Debris
Coordination Committee (IADC) — has reached a consensus on a set of
proposals to reduce the amount of new space debris that is created.
Delegates are expected to review those proposals and discuss ways to
encourage their use.

Symposium on satellite navigation applications

The applications of satellite navigation and their benefits to
developing countries will be the theme of this year’s joint COSPAR-IAF
symposium which will be held during the first two afternoons of the
Subcommittee session. Through a series of presentations the participants
will have a chance to review the application of satellite navigation in
such areas as: civil aviation; environmental monitoring; management of
marine resources; agriculture management; river and geophysical mapping;
and seismology and geology monitoring.


The Subcommittee like COPUOS, its parent Committee, has the following
Member States: Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Chile,
China, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan,
Kenya, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands,
Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal,
Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal,
Sierra Leone, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab
Republic, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay,
Venezuela and Viet Nam.

For more information visit the web site of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs at

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