NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Ala., has extended the contract for information services with Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), Falls Church, Va.

The contract extension, valued at $79,877,680, covers the
period May 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003. It continues
efforts under a contract entitled “Program Information
Systems Mission Services (PrISMS)” which was awarded to CSC
on May 3, 1994. During the extension period, a full and open
recompetition of the PrISMS effort will be conducted.

Work performed by CSC and its subcontractors under PrISMS
includes support to MSFC in the areas of computer systems,
applications software and audio-video services. CSC also
provides a range of support services for NASA, including the
NASA Equipment Management System; Consolidated Agency
Personnel/Payroll System; NASA ADP Consolidation Center;
NASA Incident Response Center; and the NASA Information
Systems Services Utility.

The PrISMS contract has a total value of $1,137,786,024.