NASA’s Deputy Administrator Fred Gregory announced the
appointment of Dr. Michael A. Greenfield as Associate Deputy
Administrator for Technical Programs, effective immediately.
Greenfield was formerly Deputy Associate Administrator for
Safety and Mission Assurance at NASA Headquarters.

In his new position, Greenfield will be the corporate and
strategic advocate for NASA’s technical programs and

“Michael will be a key member of the senior NASA management
team,” Gregory said. “I look forward to his advice,
innovative ideas, and leadership, as we continue to implement
NASA’s new Integrated Space Transportation Plan. His
familiarity with key NASA programs and his experience within
the agency will be invaluable assets as we continue to
implement and improve our many scientific endeavors,” he

Greenfield has served as Deputy Associate Administrator for
the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) since
December 1993. OSMA has functional responsibility for the
safety, reliability, maintainability and quality assurance of
all NASA programs. Greenfield provided technical program
guidance and assessment, as well as management and
organizational leadership while in OSMA.

From October 1992 to December 1993, Greenfield was Director,
Quality Management (Payloads) Division, in OSMA. He led the
division in developing and implementing effective and
efficient safety and mission assurance programs to ensure the
success of robotic spacecraft missions. He joined OSMA in
1986 and was instrumental in organizing the Systems
Assessment and Trend Analysis Division.

Greenfield began his NASA career in 1979 as Program Manager
for Materials in the Office of Aeronautics and Space
Technology at Headquarters. He was responsible for NASA’s
overall research and technology activity in materials and
processes, life prediction and non-destructive evaluation.

From 1976 to 1979, Greenfield was Materials Liaison Officer
and later Technical Director, European Office of Aerospace
Research and Development in London. From 1971 to 1976, he
headed the Joining Technology section of the U.S. Air Force
Materials Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio.

Greenfield has received the Presidential Rank of Meritorious
Executive for his overall management contributions to NASA
safety and mission assurance. He was awarded the NASA
Outstanding Leadership Medal for his contribution to the
successful missions of the Office of Space Science, and he
received the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal.
He received his Ph.D. in Metallurgy and Material Science from
New York University and a Master’s in Engineering Management
from the Catholic University of America in Washington.