The second release of science data from the 2001 Mars Odyssey Mission
occurred January 1, 2003. This release includes data acquired between
April 1, 2002, and June 30, 2002, by the suite of science instruments on
the Odyssey orbiter. Also included are revised versions of all
previously released data products from the Thermal Emission Imaging
System (THEMIS) and the Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) instruments.
Odyssey data are released every three months.

The THEMIS (Thermal Emission Imaging System) release includes:

  • Visible and infrared raw, uncalibrated image cubes (EDRs),
  • Visible and infrared calibrated radiance image cubes (RDRs),
  • Special product visible Apparent Brightness Records (ABRs),
  • Special product infrared Brightness Temperature Records (BTRs).

The Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) release includes:

  • Raw, uncalibrated spectra (EDRs) from the gamma sensor (GSH), neutron spectrometer (NS), and high energy neutron detector (HEND),
  • Gamma ray spectra corrected to a common energy scale (CGS).

The Martian Radiation Environment Experiment (MARIE) release includes:

  • Raw, reformatted event and count data (REDRs),
  • Derived event data (RDRs) (to be released approximately January 15),
  • Housekeeping data.

The SPICE (navigation and ancillary files) release includes:

  • Spacecraft trajectory files (SPK),
  • Mars, martian satellites and Sun ephemeris file (SPK),
  • Spacecraft, solar array, and HGA orientation files (CK),
  • On-board clock correlation file (SCLK),
  • Instrument parameter files (IK),
  • IAU 2000 Mars rotation and shape file (PcK),
  • Spacecraft and instrument frame definitions file (FK),
  • Latest leapseconds file (LSK).

Radio Science data are released every few weeks, including:

  • Archival Tracking Data Files (ATDF),
  • Orbit Data Files (ODF),
  • Radio Science Receiver records (RSR).

All of the above Odyssey data is now available through the Planetary
Data System PDS-D online service at

This service provides search and download capabilities for all Odyssey
data sets. More information on Odyssey data may be found on the Odyssey
Data Archives web site at