Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD-6) will be the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Projection Forces of the House Armed Services Committee during the 108th Congress. “Force projection is what our enemies see when they look at America’s military,” said Congressman Bartlett.

“I believe strongly that the most certain path to peace is to prepare for war,” said Bartlett. “I look forward to working closely with Chairman Duncan Hunter and Ranking Member Congressman Gene Taylor (D-MS) and our counterparts at the Senate Seapower Subcommittee to make sure that what any potential enemy sees when they look at America’s Navy, our Marines, our long-range bombers and our strategic airlift programs will fill them with dread.”

“With the challenges imposed by the war on terrorism, I look forward to the challenge of moving from a model of fighting the last war to transforming our military capability to be more flexible, agile, and formidable to meet a wider array of threats from hostile forces – some of which call no one country home,” said Congressman Bartlett. “When I first joined the Armed Services Committee, there was a bad joke among defense contractors that our military had been buying yesterday’s technology to meet tomorrow’s demands. Since I have been on the Committee, I have been working to modernize our procurement practices to buy the performance our military needs.”

“With nationally leading roles in research and development advances and manufacturing, Maryland companies – large and small – and institutions will be making critical contributions to make sure America’s military will be equipped to meet any threat from any foe,” noted Congressman Bartlett. “Fort Detrick is leading our nation’s defense against the threat of biological warfare.”

“Roscoe’s extensive scientific and professional knowledge has greatly enhanced the Committee’s ability to assess and improve our military,” said HASC Chairman Duncan Hunter. “I know that I can count on him to be a vigorous advocate to strengthen our Navy, Marine Corps and deep strike capability.”

Programs under the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Force Projection include: Naval and Marine Corps Programs (less tactical aviation) Deep strike systems (Bombers and related systems) Strategic Lift programs. Naval Reserve equipment

Congressman Bartlett was re-elected by residents of Maryland’s Sixth District to serve his sixth term in the 108th Congress. He has served ten years on the Armed Services Committee and was chairman of the Panel on Morale, Welfare and Recreation in the 107th Congress.

One of three scientists in the Congress, Bartlett earned Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Human Physiology from the University of Maryland. He worked for more than ten years as a scientist and engineer on navy-related programs prior to his election to Congress. While at the U.S. Navy’s School of Aviation Medicine (U.S.NAMI) in Pensacola, Florida, Bartlett invented a series of respiratory life support equipment.

In 1961, he was hired to work on NASA and Navy programs as the director of a new Space Life Sciences project at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland. Dr. Bartlett later joined IBM and worked there on numerous biomedical engineering projects. He later formed and ran his own research and development small business for ten years.

In 1999, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) awarded Dr. Bartlett its Jeffries Aerospace Medicine and Life Sciences Research Award: “For pioneering contributions to aeronautical and aerospace medicine through more than 20 patented inventions on respiratory support and safety devices used by pilots, astronauts, rescue workers, pioneering NASA life-sciences space experiments, and over 100 publications.”