Veteran NASA Flight Director Wayne Hale has been named Space Shuttle Launch Integration Manager stationed at the Kennedy Space Center, Fla., effective in February 2002.

Hale replaces Astronaut Jim Halsell, who has begun training as commander of Space Shuttle mission STS-120, scheduled to launch in February 2004. Space Shuttle Program Integration Manager Linda Ham also will serve as Acting Space Shuttle Launch Integration Manager through the launch of Space Shuttle mission STS-107, set for Jan. 16, and continue until Hale assumes full duties. The Space Shuttle Launch Integration Manager oversees all launch preparations and has the final responsibility for a go or no-go decision at each shuttle liftoff.

"Wayne is the most experienced ascent and entry flight director at NASA and will bring tremendous talent and expertise to his new post," Space Shuttle Program Manager Ron Dittemore said. "To ensure a smooth transition, Linda and Wayne will work together through at least the launch of STS-107."

Hale began his career at NASA in 1978 as a flight controller in JSC’s Propulsion Systems Section. He served as a propulsion officer for 10 shuttle missions, beginning with STS-2. He then went on to head the Integrated Communications Section in Mission Operations and then the Propulsion Systems Section before being named a Space Shuttle Flight Director in 1988. He has served as an ascent and entry flight director for 28 shuttle missions, most recently for mission STS-113 in November. He also has served as a lead flight director for three Space Shuttle flights.

Hale has a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering from Rice University and a master of science in mechanical engineering from Purdue University.