Andrea Electronics Corporation announced today that NASA has
integrated Andrea’s digital noise canceling technologies and microphones into
a prototype planetary spacesuit. The spacesuit and communications are part of
new technologies being developed and tested by NASA’s Johnson Space Center,
Houston, TX, and Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, for use on exploration
missions beyond Earth’s orbit. The tests are being conducted by NASA
scientists, robotics engineers and communications experts as part of a study
to determine how robots and humans can best interact using spoken language,
and to gather data for comparing human and robotic performance. Suited
subjects wearing the spacesuit work with an Extra Vehicular Activity Robotic
Assistant (ERA) to perform tasks intended to increase mission efficiency, by
assisting astronauts and keeping humans out of harm’s way. In preliminary
testing, NASA has reported to Andrea that it has achieved better than a 95%
accuracy rate with the ERA’s speech recognition system when using Andrea’s
microphone and digital noise cancellation technologies. This achievement is
measurably better than NASA’s results to date without Andrea’s technology.

“NASA’s desire to work with Andrea for this unique application reinforces
our belief that where safety and reliability are of primary concern, our
microphone and noise cancellation technologies provide the best solution
presently available” said Christopher P. Sauvigne, Chief Executive Officer and
President of Andrea Electronics Corporation. “The results of NASA’s
independent testing is a compelling testimony to the effectiveness of our

About Andrea Electronics

Andrea Electronics Corporation designs, develops and manufactures audio
technologies and equipment for enhancing applications that require high
performance and high quality voice input. The Company’s patented Digital Super
Directional Array (DSDA®), patented PureAudio®, patented EchoStop(TM) and
patent-pending Directional Finding and Tracking Array (DFTA®) far-field
microphone technologies enhance a wide range of audio products to eliminate
background noise and ensure the optimum performance of voice applications.
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At Andrea Electronics

  • Richard A. Maue
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Lauren Rivera
  • Marketing Communications Manager
  • 1-800-447-7787