Reeve Lindbergh, daughter of legendary aviator Charles Lindbergh, will visit Johnson Space Center and its official visitor center, Space Center Houston, on Monday to receive a copy of her father’s Pulitzer Prize winning book, “The Spirit of St. Louis.”

Linking Charles Lindbergh’s spirit of aviation with modern space flight, the STS-108 space shuttle crew carried the book into space last December to honor the 75th anniversary of Lindbergh’s celebrated flight over the Atlantic. The crew autographed the book as they circled 230 miles over the surface of the Earth.

STS-108 astronauts Linda Godwin and Mark Kelly will present the book to Lindbergh at 10:30 a.m. Monday in Space Center Houston’s Mission Status Center. The presentation will begin with introductory comments by NASA astronaut and Lindbergh Foundation member, Steve Smith.

Reeve Lindbergh, President of the Lindbergh Foundation, is an accomplished author who often speaks about her father’s exploits and life as the daughter of an American legend. She is expected to make comments about the book and her father’s perspectives on the relationship between aviation and space travel.

The Lindbergh Foundation, co-founded by Apollo astronaut Neil Armstrong, works to further Charles Lindbergh’s vision to find a balance between technological advancement and environmental preservation.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Media representatives are invited to attend the presentation and participate in a media opportunity with Lindbergh to be held at Space Center Houston, located at 1601 NASA Road 1, Houston, Texas.