Aerojet has been awarded a
three-year, $7.6 million contract to design, develop and demonstrate a
dual-thrust Reaction Control Engine (RCE) for NASA’s 2nd Generation Reusable
Launch Vehicle program.

The 2nd Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle program is NASA’s risk
reduction, technology development initiative to improve safety and reliability
and reduce operating costs for the next generation of launch vehicles. Aerojet
will use its leading-edge platelet injector technology to develop a safe,
reusable RCE that performs at both high and low thrust levels for up to
100 missions. The RCE will use clean-burning liquid oxygen/ethanol

“Aerojet’s strategic vision is to use our demonstrated, safe, long-life
technologies to provide liquid propulsion for reusable vehicles. This contract
is the first step toward fulfilling that vision,” said Russ Reavis, Aerojet
vice president of programs.

Aerojet’s work on the program is expected to start immediately and run
through September 2004. During that period, Aerojet will build three RCEs at
its Sacramento facility and test them at White Sands Missile Range, New

“This program allows us to produce a reliable, cost-effective RCE by
exploiting the heritage of the Orbital Maneuvering System engine we designed
for the Kistler Aerospace commercial launch vehicle,” said Julie Van Kleeck,
Aerojet director of advanced liquid programs.

NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., awarded Aerojet’s
contract, which includes a base contract worth $3.1 million plus two expected
options for a total of $7.6 million.

The 2nd Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle program is part of NASA’s Space
Launch Initiative announced on May 17. Aerojet has another, major role on the
Space Launch Initiative as part of a joint venture with Pratt & Whitney that
was awarded a $115 million contract to develop reusable liquid booster engines
for the 2nd Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle program.

Aerojet, a GenCorp company, is a world-recognized aerospace and defense
leader principally serving the space electronics, missile and space
propulsion, and smart munitions and armaments markets. Aerojet’s Web site
address is .