To commemorate the 40th anniversary of President John F.
Kennedy’s famous May 25, 1961 speech before Congress in which he proposed landing an American on the Moon by the end of the decade, we have created a new site at on the Web.

This page has links to the full speech, key documents, and other information about Project Apollo.

In addition, we are pleased to announce the on-line
availability of NASA Leadership and America’s Future in
A Report to the Administrator by Dr. Sally K. Ride
, August 1987. 
Commonly known as the Ride report, this document is available from on the Web in an
html version (with fully searchable text) and a pdf version (with full-color
graphics).  Special thanks to Mike Walker, Eracenia Kennedy, and Diane
Reid, for their assistance with document scanning and preparation.

Stephen Garber

NASA Headquarters History Office

Code ZH

Washington, DC 20546-0001


202-358-2866 fax

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