
Great news:

1) Best Quarter ever

2) Hybrid rocket motor test firings

1) I am very pleased to announce that SpaceDev has recorded its
best quarter ever – an operating profit of $30,000 compared to a
loss of $3.0 million for the same period last year. We generated
$420,000 in cash from operating activities versus $473,000 cash
used in operating activities in the first nine months of 1999. Our
sales for the first nine months have been $3.1 million, another
record. Our current stock price (SPDV) is about $1.00.

Please read the financial summary in our latest news release:

or check the financial details in our SEC filing using “spacedev” or
our trading symbol “spdv”:

2) We have performed two preliminary test firings of our orbital
Maneuvering and Transfer Vehicle (MTV) hybrid rocket motor. For
the public and media we have scheduled a test firing of our small
MTV motor for 10:00 am PST next Wednesday, November 15. This is a small motor, about 5 inches in diameter and
about one foot long. It is designed to power our
orbital maneuvering and orbital transfer (kick-motor)
products. The firing will last about 30 to 45 seconds. In
addition to introducing a completely new web site designed and
implemented by Bill McCoy, we have implemented a nifty web-cam
so you can watch the rocket motor test firing in real time. Next
Wednesday simply go to:


Thank you for your interest in how the SpaceDev team is working
hard to make space happen today!

Jim Benson

Chairman, CEO