MISSION: STS-103 – 3rd Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission

VEHICLE: Discovery/OV-103
TARGET KSC LAUNCH DATE/TIME: December 11 at 11:42 p.m. EST (under review)
TARGET LANDING DATE/TIME: December 21 at about 8:50 p.m. EST
LAUNCH WINDOW: 42 minutes
MISSION DURATION: about 9 days and 21 hours
CREW: Brown, Kelly, Smith, Foale, Grunsfeld, Nicollier, Clervoy
ORBITAL ALTITUDE and INCLINATION: 317 nautical miles/28.45 degrees

Work in progress: Shuttle managers have decided to delay the start of the
STS-103 launch
countdown by at least 24 hours while engineers evaluate a dented main
propulsion system hydrogen line found during closeout inspections of
Discovery’s engine compartment. A final decision on whether or not the line
must be replaced is expected tomorrow. If the line requires replacement, it
is anticipated that the work would postpone launch by a minimum of several
days. The four-inch diameter line carries liquid hydrogen fuel for the Space
Shuttle main engines.