Jerry Berg
Media Relations Department
(256) 544-0034


Space Shuttle Discovery is being prepared for launch Thursday, Dec. 9, on
the STS-103 flight, the third servicing mission to NASA’s Hubble Space

On Nov. 24, Shuttle technicians closed Discovery’s payload bay doors and
completed planned main engine testing. On Dec. 1, Shuttle managers will
conduct a follow-up flight readiness review to obtain a final status on
prelaunch preparations. The launch countdown is scheduled to begin Dec. 6
at 5:30 a.m. EST.

Mission Highlights:

    SHUTTLE ORBITER: Discovery
    LOCATION: Pad 39B, Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
    TARGET LAUNCH DATE/TIME: Dec. 9 at 1:10 a.m. EST
    TARGET LANDING DATE/TIME: Dec. 18 at approximately 10:15 p.m.
    LAUNCH WINDOW: 42 minutes
    MISSION DURATION: Approximately 9 days and 21 hours
    CREW: Commander Curtis L. Brown, Pilot Scott J. Kelly and Mission
    Specialists Steven L. Smith, Jean-Francois Clervoy, John M.
    Grunsfeld, Michael Foale and Claude Nicolier.
    ORBITAL ALTITUDE AND INCLINATION: 317 nautical miles/28.45