Presentations for the convention are invited dealing with all matters (science,
engineering, politics, economics, public policy, etc.) associated with the
exploration and settlement of Mars. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should
be sent by June 15th, 2001 to: The Mars Society, P.O. Box 273, Indian Hills
80454, or sent via email to: (email submission preferred)

FYI: Registration is now open for the 4th International Mars Society
Convention, to be held August 23-26, 2001 at Stanford University, Stanford,

The Mars Society was founded to further the exploration and settlement of the
Red Planet. The International Mars Society convention presents a unique
opportunity for those interested in Mars to come together and discuss
technology, science, social implications, philosophy and a multitude of other
aspects of Mars exploration.

Highlights of the convention will include reports from the second field season
of the Devon Island Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station; status reports from
the Analog Rover teams; panels and debates concerning key issues bearing on
Mars exploration and settlement; and keynote addresses from many prominent
leaders of the effort to get humans to Mars.

Prior conventions have drawn thousands of participants from all over the world
and received extensive press coverage in many of the leading international
media. The Stanford location blends a beautiful campus with a leading-edge
innovative community in the San Francisco Bay area. This yearís conference
should be the most exciting event to date.

Possible Conference Sessions:

  • 1. The Search for Life on Mars
  • 2. The latest findings from Global Surveyor
  • 3. Plans for the Mars Missions of 2001 and 2003
  • 4. The cross contamination threat – myth or reality?
  • 5. Concepts for Future Robotic Mars missions
  • 6. Piloted Missions to Mars
  • 7. Advanced Propulsion
  • 8. Launch Vehicles for Mars Exploration
  • 9. Long Range Mobility on Mars
  • 10. Life Support technology
  • 11. Biomedical issues in Mars Exploration
  • 12. Options for Producing power on Mars
  • 13. Methods of Martian Construction
  • 14. In Situ Resource Utilization
  • 15. Water on Mars – accessing the hydrosphere
  • 16. Concepts for a Permanent Mars Base
  • 17. Colonizing Mars
  • 18. Terraforming – Creating an ecology for Mars
  • 19. Analog studies relating to Mars Exploration
  • 20. The Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station
  • 21. The Mars Analog Rover project
  • 22. Human factors impacting a mission
  • 23. Engineering for acceptable risk
  • 24. The value of Mars exploration to the Earth
  • 25. Public policy and Mars Exploration
  • 26. Concepts for Privately Funded Mars Missions
  • 27. International Cooperation in Mars exploration
  • 28. Law and Governance for Mars
  • 29. Social Systems for Mars
  • 30. The Significance of the Martian Frontier
  • 31. Philosophical Implications of Mars Exploration
  • 32. Mars and Education
  • 33. Mars and the Arts
  • 34. Outreach Strategy for the Mars Society
  • 35. Proposed Projects for the Mars Society
  • 36. Martian Calendars and Timekeeping Systems

For updates stay check the convention web site: