4th Annual Meeting of the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts

Visions of the Future

June 11-12, 2002

Lunar and Planetary Institute
3600 Bay Area Boulevard

Houston, Texas

The NIAC 4 th Annual Meeting will be a live web cast. The webcast
link is available from the webcast section of the NASA Technology
portal at:

The page also includes a link to the email address for participants to
submit questions to the speakers:

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

8:00am Ð 8:30am Registration

8:30am Ð 9:00am Welcome

Dr. David Black, President,
Unversities Space Research Association

Introduction of New NIAC Phase I Fellows
Dr. Robert A. Cassanova, NIAC Director

9:00am Ð 10:00am Keynote Speaker – Dr. Donna Shirley
University of Oklahoma
The Myths of Mars: Why We’re Not There Yet and How
To Get There

10:00am Ð 10:30am Break

10:30am Ð 12:00pm NIAC Status Reports
(45 minutes) Bradley Edwards, Eureka Scientific
The Space Elevator

(45 minutes) Anthony Colozza, Ohio Aerospace Institute
Planetary Exploration Using Biomimetics

12:00pm Ð 1:15pm Lunch (Buffet in LPI Atrium)

1:15pm Ð 2:15pm Keynote Speaker – Dr. Jack Stuster
Anapaca Sciences, Incorporated
The Relevance of Previous Expeditions To Future Space

2:15 Ð 3:00 pm NIAC Status Report

(45 minutes) Edward Hodgson, Hamilton Sundstrand
A Chameleon Suit To Liberate Human Exploration of
Space Environments

3:00pm Ð 3:15pm Break

3:15pm Ð 4:45pm NIAC Status Reports

(45 minutes) Terri Lomax, Oregon State University
Developing a Plant Genetic Assessment and Control
System for Space Environments

(45 minutes) Andrew Keith, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
Methodology for Study of Autonomous VTOL Scalable
Logistics Architecture

5:00pm Ð 7:00pm Reception and Viewing of NIAC Phase I Award Posters
LPI Atrium

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

8:30am Ð 8:45am Welcome

Dr. Robert A. Cassanova, NIAC Director

8:45am Ð 10:15am NIAC Status Reports

(45 minutes) Kerry Nock, Global Aerospace Corporation
Cyclical Visits to Mars via Astronaut Hotels

(45 minutes) Penelope Boston, Complex Systems Research
System Feasibility Demonstration of Caves and
Subsurface Constructs for Mars Habitation and
Scientific Exploration

10:15am Ð 10:30am Break

10:30am Ð 12:00pm NIAC Status Reports

(45 minutes) George Maise, Plus Ultra Technologies

Exploration of Jovian Atmosphere Using Nuclear Ramjet
(45 minutes) Terry Kammash, University of Michigan

Ultra-Fast Laser-Driven Plasma for Space Propulsion
12:00pm Ð 1:30pm Lunch (Buffet in LPI Atrium) and Viewing of NIAC Phase I

Award Posters

1:30pm Ð 2:30pm Keynote Speaker – Dr. Harley Thronson
Chief Technologist, NASA Office of Space Sciences

The Future of Space Science:
The NASA Exploration Team’s Vision

2:30pm Ð 3:15pm NIAC Status Report

(45 minutes) Ross Hoffman, Atmospheric and Environmental Research

Controlling the Global Weather

3:15pm Adjourn for Informal Discussions

NIAC 2002 Annual Meeting Registration

We are looking forward to a successful NIAC 2002 Annual Meeting. To facilitate the
administration and check-in process at LPI and to plan for snacks and meals, NIAC
would like for everyone to notify Brandy Egan via email of their intentions to attend the
annual meeting. In addition, please provide the following information to
brandy@niac.usra.edu regarding each individual planning to attend the meeting:



Complete Business Mailing Address:

Business Phone Number:

Email Address:



The deadline to register is May 31, 2002.