Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. — The 45th Space Wing successfully launched a United Launch Alliance-built Delta IV-Heavy Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle from Space Launch Complex 37 at 5:58 p.m. (EST), carrying a classified National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) satellite.

“The tremendous ULA, NRO and Air Force partnership once again delivered success,” said Lt. Col. William Heuck, 5th Space Launch Squadron commander.

The largest of the Delta IV family, the Heavy version features three Common Booster Cores mounted together.

“The Delta IV rocket continues to evolve and mature with this fourth Delta IV-Heavy launch from the Cape,” said Maj. Jeremy Geib, Delta IV Launch Operations Flight commander. “The team cut heavy launch processing time over 50 percent.”

“This mission helps to ensure that vital NRO resources will continue to bolster our national defense,” said Brig. Gen. Ed Wilson, 45th Space Wing commander. “The spectacular evening launch showcases how the 45th assures access to the high frontier and supports global operations.”