The Canaveral Council of
Technical Societies (CCTS) has announced that the 38th Space Congress will be
held May 1 – 4, 2001 in Cocoa Beach.

Even though months away, plans are already in work for the annual event.
Space Congress is the oldest forum on space technology in the world and
encourages the world’s aerospace community to discuss the status and future of
space activities around the world.
An organizing committee of CCTS has chosen
“A SPACE ODYSSEY – THE NEXT 50 YEARS” as its 2001 theme.

Space Gateway Support President Michael J. Butchko will serve as general
chairman for next year’s conference.
NASA Associate Director of Spaceport
Services and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Irene Long, will serve as vice chair.

Panel sessions and technical paper presentations will address how the
scientific, commercial, military and educational communities contribute to the
future of space and to the well being of humankind.
Topics invited for this
year’s technical papers will cover worldwide launch vehicles and facilities
(past, present and future), domestic, international and military agencies and
spaceport authorities as well as global launch sites and capabilities.
topics will include space stations, recent scientific discoveries and where
they are taking us, earth and space science topics, space tourism,
commercialization, satellite communications and spaceport technology.

More information on Space Congress events, registration and exhibits may
be found online at