Apollo 17 Commander Eugene Cernan and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt to Appear at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex Friday, Dec. 13

Almost 30 years to the
day after they took man’s last steps on the surface of the moon, Apollo 17
astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt will recount their historic
journey where it all began. The commander and lunar module pilot of the last
Apollo flight to the moon will make two special appearances at Kennedy Space
Center Visitor Complex Friday, December 13 to commemorate the 30th anniversary
of their famed mission.

Captain Cernan and Dr. Schmitt will speak to guests during the Visitor
Complex’s “Astronaut Encounter” program, appearing together at 2:30 p.m. and
4:15 p.m. Captain Cernan will sign copies of his book, The Last Man on the
Moon, following his 2:30 appearance.

“We’re excited to offer our guests the unique and memorable opportunity to
commemorate one of the most significant moments in the history of the U.S.
space program, ” said Dan LeBlanc, chief operating officer of Delaware North
Parks Services of Spaceport, Inc. (DNPSS), operators of Kennedy Space Center
Visitor Complex.

Apollo 17’s scientific objectives included geological surveying and
sampling, deploying and activating surface experiments, and conducting
inflight experiments and photographic tasks. The mission broke several
records set by previous flights, including longest manned lunar landing flight
(301 hours, 51 minutes), longest lunar surface extravehicular activities (22
hours, 4 minutes) and largest lunar sample return (an estimated 249 lbs.).

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is open from 9 a.m. to approximately
dusk every day except December 25 and certain launch days. Admission includes
access to all attractions and exhibits, including the KSC Tour of restricted
areas; the Astronaut Encounter program; three IMAX® space films (“Space
Station 3-D,” “The Dream Is Alive,” and “Apollo 13”); the live-action show
“Mad Mission to Mars 2025”; and guided tours of the newly redeveloped Rocket
Garden. For more information, please call (321) 449-4444 or visit

“As we leave the moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and God
willing, we will return with peace and hope for all mankind.”

  • Eugene Cernan, Commander, Apollo 17