Please see the following message from Leslie Lowes, manager of JPL’s Planetary Science Summer School – Applications are due soon! Planetary Science Summer School (PSSS) is an excellent opportunity for graduate student and post-docs interested in mission planning to have the opportunity to work on a planetary mission concept. I highly encourage all interested early-career folks in the LEAG community to apply!

2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due April 1, 2021

Offered by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, PSSS is a three-month long career development experience to learn the development of a hypothesis-driven robotic space mission in a concurrent engineering environment while getting an in-depth, first-hand look at mission design, life cycle, costs, schedule, and the trade-offs inherent in each.

Science and engineering doctoral candidates, recent Ph.D.s, postdocs, certain engineering MS students, and junior faculty who are U.S. Citizens or legal permanent residents (and a very limited number of Foreign Nationals from non-designated counties) are eligible. Applicants from diverse backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.

Session 1:  May 24–Aug 6

Session 2:  May 24–Aug 20

With workload of a rigorous 3-hour graduate-level course, participants spend the first 10 weeks in preparatory webinars acting as a science mission team, and spend the final culminating week mentored by JPL’s Advance Project Design Team to refine their planetary science mission concept design and present it to a mock expert review board. The culminating week is typically at JPL; however, in 2021 it is likely to be virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic conditions.

For more information and to apply, visit

Warm regards,

Sarah Valencia

LEAG Early Career Representative