The International Astronautical Federation is pleased to announce the opening of the call for applications for the 2018 Luigi G. Napolitano Award. This award is assigned every year to a young scientist who has significantly contributed to the advancement of the Aerospace Science. 

All the Authors who qualify (see Criteria below) and who wish to apply for the Award should send the selection material (see below) by e-mail before the 31 August 2018 to the IAF Secretariat to:

The applications will be forwarded to J.R. Edwards, Vice-Chair (Honors & Awards) of the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee and to Raimondo Fortezza, Representative of the Napolitano family, for selection.

The Award consists of the Luigi G. Napolitano commemorative medal and a certificate of citation. It will be given every year at the International Astronautical Congress.


The Napolitano Award is presented annually to a young scientist (below 30 years of age) who contributed significantly to the advancement of the Aerospace Science and gives a paper at the International Astronautical Congress on such a contribution.

Nomination and Selection

The Napolitano Award will be announced each year by the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee. Anybody wishing to apply should send the following information to the IAF Secretariat before the published deadline:
Full text of the paper to be presented at the IAC
Curriculum vitae
The applicant contribution should be clearly identified if the paper is co-authored as the paper must represent the applicant’s work and not just part of a group effort.

Napolitano Award Event

The 2018 Napolitano Award winner will be awarded during the IAC 2018 Closing Ceremony held on Friday 5 October. All the participants have to be prepared to attend this event, in case they are selected as winner. The IAC Organization will sponsor the winner’s participation in the Gala Dinner.

Please, don’t hesitate to contact us shall you have any questions.

We look forward to receiving your applications!

Best regards,
IAF Secretariat