This “IAF Excellence in 3G Diversity Award” is intended to recognize IAF member organisations (industry, government, academia) worldwide for outstanding contributions to the fostering of “3G” (Geography, Generation, Gender) Diversity within the space sector. It is an annual award presented at the IAC, but is given only when nominations of exceptional merit are received.

Only IAF member organizations in good standing shall be eligible to receive the award.

The call for nominations for the “IAF Excellence in 3G Diversity Award” is addressed to IAF member organisations in good standing. Only one application per organisation will be accepted per year. In addition to nominations for other IAF member organizations, any IAF member organisation in good standing may also self-apply for this award.

Applications not accepted in a given year may be rolled over to next year.

Nomination/Application package shall contain:

– A citation of the contribution to “3G” Diversity (one sentence);

– A summary description of the organisation’s outstanding contribution in the respective (at least 2) diversity aspects (geography, generation and gender); eventual contributions to additional aspects of diversity shall also be mentioned and will be considered

IAF Excellence in 3G Diversity Award” recipient will be selected by an IAF 3G Diversity Award Subcommittee who will review the nominations/applications and make a recommendation for the recipient to the IAF Honours and Awards Committee and the IAF Bureau during the IAF Spring Meetings in March 2017. The final decision rests with the IAF Bureau

The award consists of a statue and a certificate which will be presented to an official representative of the awarded organization during the annual “IAF IDEA 3G Diversity Luncheon” at the IAC. The awarded organization will be given a speaking opportunity at this event.

Selection criteria:

Serve as a model for outstanding and sustainable contribution to the fostering of “3G” Diversity within the space sector, whereby significant effort in the promotion of at least 2 of the 3G diversity aspects – Geography, Generation and Gender – including potential additional diversity aspects, and positive results in achieving a balanced representation have to be demonstrated.

Such effort may include, but is not limited to:

– Activities to recruit, retain, and professionally develop individuals who increase the “3G” diversity of the workforce
– Senior leadership in organization exemplifies commitment to diversity
– Activities to create leadership teams that promote a diverse and inclusive culture
– Sponsorship, implementation or active promotion of programs, initiatives, or projects in the area of “3G” diversity and inclusion
– Recognition of exemplary individual and team behaviors that promote diversity and inclusion
Innovative approaches, which have resulted in a step up from business as usual
– Etc.

Applications will be judged on the following criteria:

– Demonstration of emerging or sustained commitment to the values of “3G” diversity by documented efforts that are above and beyond routine expectations.
– Evidence of exceptional efforts to promote a working environment that is free from bias and discrimination.
– Substantiation of the contribution that an organization has made towards advancing “3G” diversity.

Nomination/application documents must be received by IAF Secretariat by the 13 February 2017 15:00 CET (Paris time), preferably by email at (2017 IAF Excellence in 3G Diversity Award).

If email is not available, the reference can be sent by postal mail to:
IAF Secretariat
2017 IAF Excellence in 3G Diversity Award
3 rue Marco Nikis
75015 Paris

Or by Fax to + 33 1 4273 2120

We look forward to receiving your nominations!

Best regards,
IAF Secretariat