Topics Include Analyst Forecasts, Satellite Radio and Technology Update


ALEXANDRIA, VA, April 2, 2003– The Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association announced today the panel topics that will be covered at the Spring 2003 SkyFORUM, the satellite services industry’s top financial symposium to be held on Tuesday, May 20 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Cipriani 42nd Street in New York.

 The bi-annual SkyFORUM brings together Wall Street’s analyst and investment community with top satellite industry executives to discuss topical issues and upcoming trends. The program will include live demonstrations of emerging consumer product and services technologies, keynote addresses, panel discussions, in-depth research presentations, and onstage interviews with industry leaders. 

 “This Spring’s SkyFORUM comes at a time of great interest to the multichannel and satellite services industries,” said Clay Mowry, president of Arianespace, Inc. and SkyTRENDS chair. “We have focused our program on the very latest in technological advances, industry investments, consumer trends and developments in the market place, in order to give attendees a clear view of the current state of the industry and valuable insights on what opportunities lie ahead.” 

 The May SkyFORUM’s schedule includes:

Super Session on DVR and HDTV: “Changing the Face of Television:”Satellite providers are leading the way in revolutionizing the modern TV viewing experience. With the emergence of the digital video recorder (DVR) and high-definition television (HDTV), the multichannel universe has changed dramatically. The following panels will offer the latest on these innovative technologies:


  • The DVR Update: Satellite service providers, interactive technology providers, manufacturers and programmers take the stage to discuss the latest developments in DVRs and how this new technology is changing the competitive landscape. 
  • TheHDTV Update: “Content is king” and today’s leading programmers are now using HDTV to give them a competitive edge. The leading providers and programmers will gather to discuss the success they are already seeing with HDTV

Satellite Radio: Tuning In To A National Audience: With the many ways to get content to the consumer, leading programmers will discuss how they are expanding their reach and seeing results through national satellite radio carriage.  

Straight from the Street: Satellite’s Leading Analysts Speak Out:This trademarkSkyFORUM panel will bring top Wall Street analysts together to share their forecasts and predictions on the future of the satellite industry.

Satellite Broadband: A Bird’s Eye View of Data Delivery:Top satellite broadband executives will talk about the latest developments in the industry. Conversations to include: the impact of the latest injection of capital; when Ka Band will become a reality; and, the strategies are their companies are undertaking to ensure success in the enterprise and consumer markets.

Technology Visionaries: Technology experts share their thoughts on the latest advances and where the satellite industry is headed in the future.

SkyFORUM’s fall program will be held on Thursday, October 30 at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on Park Avenue in New York.

Additional information and registration for SkyFORUM can be found on the SBCA Web site or by contacting the SBCA office at (800) 541-5981.

SkyFORUM was developed to create a higher awareness of the satellite industry among the financial and investment communities, and the media. SkyTRENDS is the SBCA’s market research, data collection and reporting program for the satellite services industry. SkyTRENDS is a committee of the SBCA and is directed by SBCA’s SkyTRENDS partners with assistance from Media Business Corporation. 

The Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association ( is the national trade organization representing all segments of the satellite industry. It is committed to expanding the utilization of satellite technology for the broadcast delivery of video, audio, data, music, voice, interactive and broadband services. The SBCA is composed of DBS, C-band, broadband, satellite radio, and other satellite service providers, content providers, equipment manufacturers, distributors, retailers, encryption vendors, and national and regional distribution companies that make up the satellite services industry.