The focus on space has
never been sharper. With the Columbia accident still under
investigation, new programs proposed at NASA, continued industry
consolidation in the U.S. and Europe, and space systems playing a
crucial role in Operation Iraqi Freedom, all eyes in the space industry
are turning toward the 19th National Space Symposium.

The National Space Symposium takes place April 7-10 at The
Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs and is a program of The Space
Foundation. It is the only major space-related conference to fully
integrate all sectors of space – commercial, civil and national security
– and annually attracts the most senior national leadership of the
space community. Despite a weak global economy, the event is
setting new records this year, with more than 4,000 people expected
to take part, representing more than 500 space companies, agencies
and organizations.

Visit for online registration, agenda, and
other information or call the Space Foundation at 1-800-691-4000.

Despite the exigencies of Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Columbia
accident investigation, the support of senior government and industry
leadership has remained remarkably strong, and the program of
speakers is one of the strongest ever. The Boeing Exhibit Center
has increased in size by more than 20 percent.

“The National Space Symposium is a top priority for the Space
Foundation and our customers, and together we plan for it with great
purpose,” said Elliot G. Pulham, Space Foundation President and
Chief Executive Officer. “We are committed to ensuring that this
remains the premier space event anywhere in the world and excited
to get under way beginning next week.”

The 19th National Space Symposium’s opening ceremony is co-
sponsored by Northrop Grumman Corporation; the exhibit center is
sponsored by The Boeing Company; the media center and College
Student Luncheon are both sponsored by Lockheed Martin
Corporation; the 15th Anniversary Space Technology Hall of Fame
Dinner is co-sponsored by Northrop Grumman; the Corporate
Partnership Dinner is co-sponsored by Ball Aerospace &
Technologies Corp.; the cyberspace center is sponsored by Oracle
Corporation and the official publication is Space News. Additional
sponsors include Analytical Graphics, Inc., BAE Systems, Booz Allen
Hamilton, Computer Sciences Corporation, CSP Associates,
Eastman Kodak Company, General Dynamics, Harris Corporation,
Holland and Hart, Infinite Links, Iridium Satellite System, ITT
Industries, ManTech, MicroSat Systems, Inc., Northrop Grumman,
Penwal Industries, Red Canyon Software, Inc.,,
SpaceVest, Stellar Solutions, STG, Inc. and Veridian.

In addition to the National Space Symposium, the Space Foundation
and its partnering organizations will conduct the International Space
Symposium, Oct. 28-30, 2003, at the Ronald Reagan Building and
International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. For more information
on the Space Foundation visit