For Immediate Release

TO: News Editor

FROM: John Huibregtse, Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center Director

PHONE: 845-357-3416

On Tuesday, June 9th, the 100,000th visitor to the Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center will walk through its doors. That visitor, more than likely, will be a student from one of the area schools that participates in the simulated space missions offered at the Center. The Challenger Center opened its doors in the autumn of 1999 and since that time over 3000 simulated space trips to the Moon, to Mars, and to a Comet have been flown. A small celebration is planned for the group with the 100,000th visitor and they will be honored with a plaque noting the achievement of this milestone.

The Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center is a non-profit foundation that provides educational programs for both students and the general public from Rockland and the neighboring counties that comprise the Lower Hudson Valley region of New York State. The Challenger Center’s goal is to find unique and creative ways to enhance students’ learning experiences in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

The students that participate in the simulated missions at the Challenger Center are generally middle school students and simulation technology enables them to take flights to the Moon, to Mars, and to a Comet, on equipment designed by NASA. Their experience with the Challenger Center usually begins in the classroom, where classroom “crews” prepare for missions with an integrated science, social studies, English, technology, and math curriculum. The mission takes place at the Challenger Center – a building that includes an exhibition hall, auditorium, and activity room, as well as the mission control and spacecraft simulators.

The Challenger Center’s programs are a purposeful way of meeting the increasing demand for better science, technology, engineering, and math education. The Center’s hands-on approach to education appeals to the needs and interests of students. It raises students’ expectation of success; develops their critical thinking and cooperative learning skills; fosters in them a long-term interest in science, math and technology; and motivates them to pursue studies in these areas. Using space exploration as a theme, the Center is a wonderful way of reaching all students, including those who are educationally disadvantaged or physically challenged.

Besides the school-based missions for students, the Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center offers programs for Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Brownies, as well as public missions, private parties, corporate events, and after-school programs. To learn more about the programs offered at the Challenger Center visit , or call 845-357-3416.