Patent Covers Technologies Relating to Multiple Air Interfaces

Mobile Satellite Ventures LP (“MSV”) announced today that it has been awarded U.S. Patent No. 7,181,161 by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This is the nineteenth patent issued to MSV protecting the company’s hybrid satellite-terrestrial system including Ancillary Terrestrial Component (“ATC”) technology.

The “Multi-Band/Multi-Mode Satellite Radiotelephone Communications Systems and Methods” patent issued on February 20, 2007, addresses critical technologies of MSV’s next-generation state-of-the-art satellite system currently under construction. Specifically, the patent describes how a satellite may be configured to support multiple air interfaces in order to enable a broad range of services to a broad range of user devices, including legacy and modern. According to the technical description, at least one air interface is based upon a terrestrial cellular/PCS air interface and feeder links that are used to transport data between the satellite and a satellite gateway are segmented into respective sub-bands so that different air interfaces are transported over different feeder link segments, facilitating the efficient processing of information and reduction of interference.

“This patent covers enabling technologies that may be deployed by a satellite to facilitate support of legacy and modern terminal equipment,” explained Dr. Peter D. Karabinis, Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer at MSV and inventor of the patent. “We recognized the importance of such technologies and filed this patent early. The solutions claimed allow the system to continue to provide service to legacy equipment, as required, while at the same time facilitating state-of-the-art air interfaces that provide enhanced voice and data services via feature-rich, low-cost, light-weight and aesthetically appealing satellite/ATC user devices.”

About SkyTerra Communications, Inc. and MobileSatellite Ventures

MSV is developing a hybrid satellite-terrestrial communications network, which it expects will provide seamless, transparent and ubiquitous wireless coverage of the United States and Canada to conventional handsets. MSV holds the first FCC license to provide hybrid satellite-terrestrial services. MSV plans to launch two satellites for coverage of the United States and Canada, which are expected to be among the largest and most powerful commercial satellites ever built. When completed, the network is expected to support communications in a variety of areas including public safety, homeland security, aviation, transportation and entertainment, by providing a platform for interoperable, user-friendly and feature-rich voice and high-speed data services. MSV is majority owned and controlled by SkyTerra Communications, Inc. (OTCBB:SKYT).

Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act

This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, which respect to plans described in this press release. Such statements generally include words such as could, can, anticipate, believe, expect, seek, pursue, proposed, potential and similar words. Such forward-looking statements are subject to uncertainties relating to the ability of SkyTerra and MSV to raise additional capital or consummate a strategic transaction, as well as the ability of SkyTerra and MSV to execute their business plan. We assume no obligation to update or supplement such forward-looking statements.