Over 350 exceptional high school students from across
the nation are experiencing the “real world” at NASA.

The agency has launched its 2004 NASA Summer High School
Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP) in which a group of
high-achieving students are selected from a nationwide pool
of more than 2,100 applicants to serve as apprentices in a
variety of professions. Selected students represent nearly
every state in the country, as well as the U.S. territories
of Puerto Rico and American Samoa.

NASA SHARP’s synergistic approach to learning provides
students with research-based mentoring focused on NASA’s
mission, facilities, human resources and varied research
components. The annual summer program advances NASA’s goal of
engaging underrepresented students in research opportunities
and reinforces educational excellence in science, technology,
engineering, mathematics and geography. The program also
seeks to enrich and inspire students during the eight-week
period by promoting interaction within their academic,
workplace and social environments.

“NASA is committed to inspiring the next generation of
explorers, as only NASA can,” said Deborah Glasco, Program
Manager, Elementary and Secondary Education Division, Office
of Education. “SHARP is a direct extension of this
commitment, dedicated to academically and professionally
motivating a diverse group of youth,” she said.

The program is conducted at all NASA field centers as well as
several participating universities around the country. A
commuter component involves students residing within a 50-
mile radius of a NASA center, while a residential component
involves students residing on the university campus to which
they are assigned. NASA mentors and staff from previous
classes collectively focus on promoting career opportunities
to students who are traditionally underrepresented in
science, technology, engineering, mathematics and geography.

NASA SHARP is a unique educational opportunity that propels
today’s talented high school students into the diverse
science and engineering work force of tomorrow. Administered
by Modern Technology Systems Inc., NASA SHARP operates from
June 1 through August 20, 2004.

For more information on NASA education programs, visit the
Internet at:
