Kerisha Schultz (center), the daughter of Craig and Dawn Schultz of
California City, was recently
named the recipient of the Joseph A. Walker Memorial Scholarship by NASA
Dryden Flight Research
Center’s Employee Exchange Council. Schultz, seen with Dryden Director Kevin
Petersen (left) and
her father (right), is a graduate of Tehachapi High School and a freshman at
Point Loma Nazarene
University, San Diego, majoring in liberal studies. She hopes to become an
elementary school

The scholarship, the 20th to be awarded by Dryden’s Exchange
Council, is named for former
NASA Dryden chief pilot Joe Walker who lost his life in an aircraft accident
in 1966. The
scholarship is offered annually to high school seniors who are children of
current or former
government or contract employees at NASA Dryden. The $6,000 scholarship will
be paid over four
years of college if a 3.0 grade-point average is maintained. Craig Schultz
is a CAD draftsman
employed by Lockheed-Martin at the local NASA center.

NOTE TO EDITORS: For use with DFRC photo # EC04-0340-1, available via