You’ve heard of a world tour. Now get ready for an out-of-this-world tour – literally.

On Thursday, Feb. 18, RFC Media will broadcast “The Scott Kelly Out Of This World Tour: Rocking the One-Year Mission,” hosted by the International Space Station commander from 240 miles above Earth.

The two-hour broadcast will be featured exclusively on NASA’s Third Rock Radio – America’s Space Station – beginning at 4 p.m. Central.

Listeners will enjoy an in-depth look at the historic Year-In-Space mission aboard the ISS. Beginning with Commander Kelly’s selection to be the astronaut to take this incredible journey, the show will offer a unique, fascinating look at the mission and his personal approach to the challenges of living in space.

“The Year-In-Space mission holds historic significance for future NASA astronauts,” said Patrick Fant of RFC Media, producers of Third Rock Radio. “This is a great chance to inspire our listeners – and the world – by giving them an up-close and personal sense of what it’s like to live and work on the ISS.” Our sponsor/partner for the special broadcast is Space Camp.

Third Rock Radio can be streamed for free from the homepage or directly at or via the TuneIn mobile app, which is available for smart phones and tablet computers through both the Google Play and iTunes app stores.

The One-Year Mission began in March 2015, when Commander Kelly and Russian Cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko began collaborative investigations on the ISS. The goal of their work is to yield beneficial knowledge on the medical, psychological and biomedical challenges faced by astronauts during long-duration spaceflight. Commander Kelly is due to return to Earth on March 1.

To learn more about the ISS and Commander Kelly, go to

Third Rock Radio is produced under a NASA Space Act Agreement with RFC Media of Houston. It was created to help cultivate new interest in science, technology, engineering, and math among hard-to-reach young adults.

About RFC Media

RFC Media is a world leader in creating customized, content-driven, brand-focused radio stations for businesses, organizations, and institutions. With live programming and strategic messaging that is targeted to specific audiences, RFC Media redefines and revolutionizes traditional Internet radio by helping clients create an interactive, multidimensional experience that builds, sustains, and deepens relationships with their customers.