Online Guest Perspectives Complement Special Double-Issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology

In a detailed analysis for AVIATION WEEK’s new “On Space” interactive web feature, NASA Administrator Michael Griffin says U.S. astronauts could already be on Mars for the money spent on space in the 50 years since Sputnik, and can certainly get there in the next 20 years without increased spending. Griffin finds that U.S. exploration didn’t falter after Apollo for lack of funds, but for lack of sound decision- making, and further states that spending levels set in the 1960s — adjusted for inflation — are sufficient to support an Apollo-level exploration program every 15 years.

Griffin is one of several space visionaries who contributed forecasts on the next 50 years in space. Additional online contributors include:

  • Francois Auque, Chief Executive Officer of Space Division, EADS
  • Peter Diamandis, M.D., Founder & Chairman, X PRIZE Foundation
  • Theresa Hitchens, Director, Center for Defense Information
  • Scott Hubbard, Carl Sagan Chair for the Study of Life in the Universe, SETI Institute
  • Vincent Sabathier, Senior Fellow and Director, Human Space Exploration Initiatives, Center for Strategic and International Studies
  • Readers are invited to participate in the discussions by posting their own views and perspectives at

“This is a landmark anniversary for the global space industry, and our editorial package is a proud reflection of the rich history AVIATION WEEK has in the space community,” said Tom Henricks, President, AVIATION WEEK and four-time Space Shuttle astronaut. “Our integrated print and online features support not only this milestone, but also our commitment to inspiring the next generation of space explorers and meeting the information needs in multiple platforms.”

These online future perspectives complement the special March 19/26 double issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology (AW&ST) commemorating the first 50 years in spaceflight, where AW&ST editors explore in an in-depth series of historical essays how the first half-century of humankind’s adventure beyond the sky got us where we are today in space. This issue is also timed to coincide with the International Astronautical Federation’s celebration of the anniversary March 21 in Paris. For further commentary, TV/Radio reporters may contact Joe D’Andrea at (212) 904-3780 or Frank Morring, Jr., editorial project lead, is available for additional commentary and interviews directly at (202) 383-2306 or


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