Reston, Va., – October 3, 2005 – Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued to MSV a patent, which is directly relevant to all future broadband multi-spotbeam satellite systems and particularly to broadband multi-spotbeam satellite systems supporting an Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC). This patent, with more than 50 patent claims, represents the latest in a series of key intellectual property milestones for MSV, already a leader in ATC technology.

“MSV is the world leader and innovator in developing each and every aspect of ATC technology and holds the only FCC license to provide these services in the U.S.,” said Alexander Good, Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MSV. “MSV’s entire technical staff, as well as its contractors and consultants, is dedicated to designing and developing the world’s preeminent ATC system. This patent is just one more step in perfecting MSV’s leadership role.”

The issuance of this patent, together with six other omnibus ATC patents issued to MSV since 2004, provides MSV with over 800 issued and 500 additional published ATC patent claims to date. These 1300 issued and published claims span the breadth of all ATC network features, functions and system components (including the satellite, terrestrial, satellite gateways and end user equipment). MSV has filed over 100 additional patent applications in the U.S. alone since 2001. Foreign counterpart applications have also been filed with patent offices worldwide. As previously announced, the MSV cache of patent filings was further enhanced by MSV’s acquisition of a portfolio of hybrid satellite-terrestrial patents from Celsat, with issue dates as early as 1991.

“MSV’s patent filings describe and protect not only the preferred approaches to be implemented by MSV, but also alternative approaches that may be contemplated by third parties,” said Mr. Good. “MSV’s patent filing approach has been exhaustive, covering all potential ATC implementation alternatives. The result is a compelling array of ATC intellectual property.” The patent, U.S. Patent No. 6,937,857, is specifically directed to the “packing” and “unpacking” of feeder link carriers at the satellite and satellite gateway to minimize feeder link bandwidth requirements. With new multi-spotbeam satellite systems, this feature is critical for operation within available feeder link carrier limits. “This patent is of particular import to satellite system development,” said Dr. Peter D. Karabinis, Vice President and Chief Technical Officer at MSV. “It is expected that in the future broadband multi-spotbeam satellite systems will be configured to perform packing and unpacking of feeder link carriers as covered by the ‘857 patent, otherwise the feeder link bandwidth requirements would be staggering. This patent covers key technologies necessary to keep the feeder link bandwidth requirements of a broadband multi-spotbeam satellite system manageable.”

About Mobile Satellite Ventures

Mobile Satellite Ventures LP (MSV) is at the forefront of the development of the first hybrid satellite-cellular communications network, which will provide seamless, transparent and ubiquitous wireless coverage of North America to conventional handsets. It has extensive patents on the technology and holds the first and only FCC license to provide these services. MSV plans to launch two satellites for North American coverage, which will be among the largest and most powerful commercial satellites ever built. When completed, the network will transform communications in a variety of areas including public safety, homeland security, aviation, transportation and entertainment, by providing interoperable, user-friendly and feature rich voice and high-speed data services.

Today MSV offers customers a wide choice of wireless data, voice, fax and dispatch radio services via its two MSAT satellites. It provides superior capacity and reliability across North America, northern South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Hawaii and their coastal waters.

MSV is privately held and its primary investors include Motient Corporation (Pink Sheets: MNCP), SkyTerra Communications (OTC: SKYT), TMI Communications, Columbia Capital, and Spectrum Equity Investors.

MSV has offices in Reston, VA, and Ottawa, ON. For more information, visit MSV online at

Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) Issued Key Patent In Broadband Multi-Spotbeam Satellite Systems