BELLEVUE, WA, January 28, 2005—Walter Kistler and Bob Citron formed Lunar
Transportation Systems, Inc. (LTS) early last year in response to the President’s new Vision
for Space Exploration. LTS’s goal is to raise major financing from the private sector to
develop, build, ground test, flight test, and operate a new Earth-Moon transportation
system. Initially, the government would be an important customer, and eventually, LTS
would serve new lunar commercial markets.

The two entrepreneurs have a long history of stimulating new space market activities using
private investment. Kistler founded Kistler Instruments AG and was the first investor in
SPACEHAB, and co-founded Kistler Aerospace Corporation with Bob Citron, who also
founded SPACEHAB.

LTS goals also fit nicely with the new White House Space Transportation Policy, which
recognizes the need for commercial systems, particularly for launch and exploration.
The new policy echoes the President’s vision and encourages the government to facilitate
commercial space activities.

“Our new LTS lunar architecture enables NASA to meet the near-term strategic objectives
spearheaded by President Bush in the Vision for Space Exploration a year ago, as well
as recommendations presented by the Aldridge Commission on how to implement that
Vision,” said Bob Citron, CEO of LTS. “We are thrilled to see the new White House
Space Transportation Policy further support commercial activities, just like what we are

Walter Kistler, who conceived the LTS Earth-Moon transportation system, said, “The Vision
for Space Exploration calls for a greater role of the private sector in space exploration. Bob
Citron and I firmly believe that entrepreneurial companies can bring new perspectives to
the Vision, building opportunities for a strong future for space exploration.”

Lunar Transportation Systems, Inc. has launched a website to introduce its innovative
concept to create the equivalent of a two-way highway to the Moon as part of NASA’s new
space exploration plans. The website,, contains a
lot of detail about their plans, including descriptions and artwork of LTS spacecraft, lunar
architecture, mission profiles, trade studies in progress, as well as photo and video galleries.

Lunar Transportation Systems, Inc.
227 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 259
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Contact: Bruce Pittman
Tel: 505-522-2838
Fax: 505-522-2495