Dr. Gerard Holzmann, a leader in software verification and validation,
has joined NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., to
further develop the newly established Laboratory for Reliable

The Laboratory for Reliable Software will study technology, methods,
tools and techniques to ensure high quality in JPL’s mission critical
software systems. The studies will extend from the beginning of the
software lifecycle, through the design and testing stages, and
ultimately to the operations monitoring aboard highly autonomous

Holzmann will lead and conduct research, development and applications
as principal computer scientist in the research program, and will
provide project consulting in software verification and validation.

Previously the director of Computing Principles Research at Lucent
Technologies’ Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, Holzmann has
vividly demonstrated the effectiveness of his ideas and tools for
improving software reliability.

“The pioneering research of Dr. Holzmann and the proof of its
effectiveness on projects of significant size and complexity, as well
as his world-wide leadership, make him the obvious choice to lead our
new initiatives in this area,” said Dr. David Atkinson, leader of
Computing Area Initiatives and deputy division manager of the
Information Technology and Software Systems division. “JPL will
provide him with the hardest problems he can imagine, and this is
exciting for both him and JPL.”

The Association for Computing Machinery presented Holzmann with the
prestigious Software Systems Award for development of Spin, a program
devoted to the efficient detection of defects in network computers.
JPL is one of thousands of institutions that uses the Spin program.
Software engineers at JPL who develop systems for both flight and
ground applications have used Spin.

“JPL has some of the most difficult software challenges on the planet,
and these will certainly drive my research. I look forward to working
with the talented and motivated team at JPL on the noble goals of
space exploration,” said Holzmann.

Holzmann received his Master of Science in electrical engineering and
his Ph.D. in technical sciences from Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands.