Roberta L. Gross

Inspector General

(Phone: 202-358-1220)

Samuel A. Maxey

Assistant Inspector General for Investigations

(Phone: 202-358-1233)

RELEASE: 2000-023

Civil Lawsuit Filed Involving NASA Contractors

The Department of Justice filed a civil lawsuit today against Boeing North
American, Inc. and Rockwell International, Inc. for concealing fraud by a
subcontractor on contracts for the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration Space Shuttle Program and Space Station Freedom Program. In
addition, United Space Alliance, the current contractor under the space
shuttle and space station programs, was sued for its obligations to repay
the false claims as a successor company. A copy of the U.S. Department of
Justice press release is attached.

The investigation is being conducted by Special Agents of the NASA Office of
Inspector General, with the assistance of the Defense Contract Audit Agency,
the Small Business Administration Office of Inspector General and the United
States Postal Inspection Service. The civil complaint is being handled by
Joel D. Hesch, Trial Attorney, United States Department of Justice,
Washington, DC, (202) 307-0275.

– End –

Complaints May Be Referred To The NASA OIG Hotline At:

News Release

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Office of Inspector General

Washington, DC 20546