WHAT: Arecibo Observatory: Planning session for future research
WHEN: Sept. 12-13, 2007
WHERE: Room 333, Hall of the States Building, 444 North Capitol St., NW, Washington, D.C.
WHO: Hosted by Cornell University’s National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center/Arecibo Observatory
NOTE: Editors and reporters – You are welcome to attend and report on this meeting. Space inside the meeting is limited, so please request credentials early by contacting Blaine Friedlander, Cornell Press Relations Office, at (607) 254-8093, or bpf2@cornell.edu
ITHACA, N.Y. – Cornell University’s National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) will host astronomers from around the world to discuss plans for research – over a five- to 15-year time frame – at the Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. The meeting, “Frontiers of Astronomy with The World’s Largest Radio Telescope,” will be held Sept. 12-13, in Washington, D.C., at the Hall of the States Building, 444 North Capitol St., NW.
Ultimately, the meeting will generate a roadmap for the observatory’s research and discern the necessary instrumentation that will be needed to support its users’ programs. The meeting will take into account developments in electromagnetic and non-photonic astronomy, as well as the Square Kilometer Array, an international radio telescope currently being developed for a location in either Africa or Australia.
Topics include pulsars and fundamental physics, cosmology and galaxy evolution, precision astrometry, cosmic radio transients and SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence,) asteroids with emphasis on near-Earth objects, and the scientific future of the Arecibo planetary radar.
The Arecibo Observatory, the largest and most sensitive single dish radio telescope in the world, is managed by Cornell, through the NAIC, for the National Science Foundation.
Contact: Blaine Friedlander
Phone: (607) 254-8093
E-Mail: bpf2@cornell.edu