The next ESA Council meeting at ministerial level will take place on 5-6 December in Berlin, Germany at the Conference Centre of the Foreign Ministry (Auswärtiges Amt). The entrance to the Press Centre is located at Oberwasserstrasse 12.

Provisional press programme:

Monday 5 December  
07:30 Accreditation starts at Press Centre
08:30-08:45 Photo opportunity in main Conference Room (Weltsaal) for photographers and camera crew
09:00 Opening of meeting (no media attendance)
11:00 Press briefing: introduction to the Council deliberations (ESA Spokesman)
13:00 Lunch break
14:45 Photo opportunity (group picture of Minsters)
15:00 Meeting resumes
18:00 End of meeting
18:15 Briefing at Press Centre (ESA Director General or Spokesman) – broadcast live on ESA-TV
21:00 Press Centre closes
Tuesday 6 December  
08:30 Press Centre opens
09:00 Continuation of meeting (no media attendance)
10:00 Programme subscriptions, final discussions, adoption of Resolutions
13:00 Lunch break
15:00 Adoption of Resolutions
16:45 Closing statements by Council Chair
17:00 Press conference (Council Chair and ESA Director General) – broadcast live on ESA-TV
20:00 Press Centre closes

Note: A personal badge will be handed out for access to the Press Centre for the two days. Please take good care of it. It is the only valid ID for access. Always wear your badge and carry your passport or national ID card when on the Conference Centre premises.

The Press Centre is located inside the security perimeter of the Foreign Ministry building. Media representatives without German government accreditation (Mitglied der Bundespressekonferenz) must submit their completed accreditation form to ESA Media Relations Division no later than 29 November, to enable an obligatory security check to be performed. To obtain the badge, the passport or national ID card stated on the accreditation form must be shown. No other means of identification will be accepted.

All requests for interviews should be addressed to the ESA Media Relations Officers at the Press Centre. Special locations will be available for TV / radio interviews.

The ESA TV service will broadcast press briefings and the closing press conference. A Video News Release with pre-event footage will be available as of 29 November. By that date, the transmission schedule and satellite details will be posted on the ESA TV website,

A background information note covering the objectives and programmatic aspects for debate and tabled for decision at the meeting will be issued separately within the next few days.

For accreditation, please fill in the attached form and fax it back to:
ESA Media Relations Division,
Paris, France
Fax. +33 (0) 1 53 69 76 90