NASA will provide two simultaneous satellite feeds of
live news events Wednesday evening: a spacewalk by the
International Space Station crew and the Cassini-Huygens
spacecraft’s arrival at Saturn.

Satellite coordinates for the spacewalk are: AMC-9,
Transponder 5, C-band, 85 degrees west longitude, vertical
polarization, 3800 MHz with audio at 6.8 MHz.

Coverage of the spacewalk by Expedition 9 Commander Gennady
Padalka and Flight Engineer Mike Fincke begins June 30 at
4:30 p.m. EDT. The spacewalk itself begins about 5:40 p.m.
EDT. Padalka and Fincke will replace an exterior circuit
breaker and restore power to one of four Station gyroscopes
that help orient the complex. The excursion is expected to
last as long as six hours. Station managers will meet Tuesday
morning to finalize plans.

NASA’s Johnson Space Center newsroom will be open throughout
the spacewalk. The main newsroom phone number is 281/483-

Satellite coordinates for Cassini are: NASA Television’s
regular satellite channel, AMC-9, Transponder 9, C-band, 85
degrees west longitude, vertical polarization, 3880 MHz with
audio at 6.8 MHz.

NASA TV will cover the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft throughout
the day and into the evening on Wednesday. Cassini will fire
its engines for 96 minutes to put itself into Saturn’s orbit.

The mission is composed of two elements: the Cassini orbiter
that will circle Saturn and its moons for four years, and the
Huygens probe that will dive into the murky atmosphere of
Titan and land on its surface. The sophisticated instruments
onboard these spacecraft will provide scientists with vital
data to help understand this mysterious, vast region.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory newsroom will be open for
extended hours for Cassini’s orbital insertion. The main
newsroom number is 818/354-5011.

Live webcasts of both events will be available online at:

For more information on both events visit: