NASA has awarded Lockheed Martin Space Operations of
Houston an extension to the Science, Engineering, Analysis
and Test (SEAT) contract to cover services required during
the 45-day transition to the new Engineering and Science
Contract (ESC), that takes effect next year.

The extension, awarded non-competitively and performed at
NASA’s Johnson Space Center and Lockheed Martin’s facility in
Houston, allows NASA to take advantage of one-month or six-
month options to facilitate the transition period from the
existing contract to the new ESC contract. The cost ranges
from $15 million to $95 million, depending on which option is
ultimately exercised. The SEAT contract is scheduled to end
December 31, 2004.

The ESC competitive procurement schedule provides for
contract award on December 16, 2004, followed by a 45-day
period to facilitate transition of work to the successor
contractor by February 1, 2005. The extension options cover
the January transition period, as well as critical skills
associated with supporting the Space Shuttle Return to
Flight, including real-time mission support and post-data
reduction and analysis.

The SEAT contract provides engineering, scientific, and
technical support to research and development laboratories
and projects; engineering, maintenance, and operations
support for research and development facilities; engineering
and programming support of automatic data processing
equipment, networks and design; and development and
operations support of payloads and flight hardware. Included
are technical support, equipment and systems associated with
flight crew training for payloads and spacewalks.