Responding to the recommendations of the President’s
Commission on Implementation of United States Space
Exploration Policy, NASA is teaming with the National
Academies of Sciences and Engineering to evaluate and explore
opportunities created by the Space Exploration Vision.

In letters to the Academies, NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe
has asked the president’s of the Academies to engage the
scientific community in a re-evaluation of priorities and to
consider how machines and humans, used separately and in
tandem, can maximize the scientific returns of America’s
space program.

“The President’s Commission recently delivered its final
report to NASA. As part of their thoughtful review of our
Vision, they recommended we bring in the best and brightest
our nation has to help create a roadmap for implementation of
our mission. I’ve asked the National Academies to help us in
this important effort,” O’Keefe said. “I look forward to
their findings and recommendations,” he added.

The President’s Commission on Implementation of the U.S.
Space Policy delivered their findings to NASA in June. The
blue ribbon panel was charged with giving NASA guidance as to
how to implement a future for NASA that will provide
inspiration, innovation and discovery as the agency
transforms itself for the 21st Century.

Dr. Charles Elachi, Director of Advanced Planning at NASA and
Director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
Calif., will lead the team that will engage the academies in
this effort. The team will benefit from the strong ties that
NASA has with the Academies, and will greatly gain from the
deep body of knowledge the experts of those institutions
bring to the table.

For more information on the Exploration Vision on the
Internet, visit:

To view copies of the letters to the Academies on the
Internet, visit: